Coming Up Soon – Steampunk @ Altitude: A Festival at Nimmitabel
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all in different ways – but the biggest blow here at Skav’s was the postponement of all our events. We had high hopes for Ironfest 2021 but unfortunately it has also been delayed. Finally, after over 12 months the fast has broken – Steampunk @ Altitude, a steampunk festival in the quaint town of Nimmitabel is going ahead on the 1st-2nd May 2021… and we’re going! Steampunk @ Altitude was started a few years ago now, with steampunk themed stalls and attractions coming from all over to the little town to turn it into one big festival. Attractions are spread all over Nimmitabel to…
A Custom Jewellery Project
We can do all sorts of things for you at Skav’s Steampunk Workshop. Most recently Skav received a request from a customer to repurpose some vintage watches belonging to a late family member. Some of the watches were a more modern battery design, but there were a couple that contained some lovely watch movements. These beautiful wristwatches were able to be brought out into the light and given some new life rather than being hidden or thrown away.. Once he assessed the jewellery, the next part of the project was to clean all the watch parts thoroughly and make them into something else. One of the watches had a gorgeous…